Richard E. Grant – Official Website


Shooting Stars: Series 2, Episode 1



Nikki gives us this report on REG’s appearance on Shooting Stars.

Shooting Stars is a comedy quiz show hosted by Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer. Richard is on Ulrika Jonsson’s team with Bobby Ball. The other team are Mark Lamarr, Tommy Cannon and Samantha Beckinsdale.

Richard’s first line is “What now you fucker?” When Bob calls his name to get his attention for the first question. Richard and Ulrika are staring at each other. At the beginning Ulrika’s says something about realising that she is “sitting between a dick and a ball”, Bob responds with “and what does that make you Ulrika?”.

Richard’s first question is a “True or False”. “Weasels are the only mammals that produce offspring that are larger at birth than when they are adults?” Richard’s response is “True” to which the answer is actually “False”!

When for Mark Lamarr’s team they show some Jerry Springer footage and asked what is she about to tell him (in connection with the footage), it’s Richard who buzz his buzzer and gives an answer “She’s about to tell him, she used to be a man” – this turns out to be true.

Vic then talks to Richard about Swaziland –

Vic – “Richard – you’re from Switerland aren’t you”

REG – “Swaziland”

Vic – “No – I think you’ll find it’s pronounced Switerland, no really, really you lived there long enough, you should have learnt to pronounce it”

Bob – The flights go there from Gatwick – Switerland”

Vic & Bob – both then take the piss out of Swaziland/Switerland…..and Vic teases him about the way he probably pronounces London!

The “Dove From Above” – Richard chooses the “Knockers” question:

The lovely Liz Hurley keeps her breasts prim and proper by rubbing what on them?

(a) Linseed Oil
(b) Dobin
(c) Standing in the wind in the right direction

Richard replies (c) to which he is correct!

Ulrika’s team win, so Ulrika chooses Richard for the end part…..the “Barrel of the plum” – they put him in a barrel and roll him down a small slope in order to try and knock plums etc off a bench and into some bowls.

Richard gets £10 for each fruit in a bowl. He only gets 2 = £20!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks Nikki for these.

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