Richard E. Grant – Official Website


Richard E. Grant Exposes Bogus Aids Claim


2nd December, 2006

English actor Richard E Grant became a real life hero after going undercover to expose a potentially deadly Aids cure claim.

The Withnail And I star was approached by a neighbour and asked to put his name to a company that had developed a cure for the disease.

Grant became suspicious when he discovered that the anecdote was goat serum which they planned to inject dying African victims with. Concerned, he contacted British documentary programme Newsnight.

The actor and the show’s production crew worked together to extract more information about the bogus claims, before exposing them on the television programme.

Grant says, “My alarm bells went off because the moment I heard about this goat serum, to a layman it sounded like snake oil.”If I had been signed up to that, I would have been supporting their death sentence.”

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