Richard E. Grant – Official Website


REG On A Train!


Lucky Steven reports on his recent REG sighting:

I was on the same train as REG yesterday (12 July). Me standing up in the doorway, him sitting in the seat facing. I got on at Kew Gardens, and was on the same carriage as him until Richmond, where he got off and went into the town while I changed trains and went elsewhere. Nobody else seemed to recognise him.

I thought about saying something to him, having made eye contact, but figured that he wouldn’t appreciate the invasion of privacy. I sort of regret it though. It would have been my smaller equivalent of ‘REG meets Barbara Streisand’.

For those who care about these things, he was wearing a white linen shirt open to the navel, blue & white pin-stripe trousers, and blue deck shoes.

Looked pretty suave.

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