Richard E. Grant – Official Website


REG Burning Bras For Legally Blonde 2?


Denise sent me another article from the Legally Blonde 2 premiere which she found on the website. It’s hard to say exactly where the article originated, though I believe it may have been taken from the Empire Online website or maybe even the Evening Standard. Anyhow, whatever the source, the “new” article does have a pic and a few quotes from REG on the night, including:

“She’s a generation after the people who burnt their bras, my generation. Now you can have your bra and still get paid millions for a movie.”

You can find the article here.

Speaking of premieres…..Though we’re yet to find details or pics of the events, Sue W informs me that REG attended the “Peter Pan” premiere on December 9.

Sarah and Sue also emailed me to say that REG was at “The Lord Of The Rings”: The Return Of The King” premiere on December 11. Sarah adds:

“I’ve just been at the Return of the King premiere and just thought I’d let you know that REG was there (with family I think) and looked absolutely gorgeous. Unfortunately he was rather overshadowed by the fact that Peter Jackson was signing at that moment, but he looked good and walked straight in to the cinema without stopping for photos/interviews/autographs.

If we find out more then I’ll set the appropriate pages up (actually I’ll probably set them up anyway – regardless of new info or not).

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