Richard E. Grant – Official Website


Nicola’s REG-Related Bits And Pieces


Nikki writes:

“Hey guys….back to work and back surfin’ on the net at the bosses expense during lunch!! Here’s what I found!

17th July 2001 – Richard was in Hyde Park at the “Picnic with Pavarotti” concert, where Richard went on stage and read out a personal message from Prince Charles for everyone. The event raised £500,000 for the Prince’s Trust.

July 2001 – REG was at Michael Williams funeral, husband of Dame Judy Dench, after he died of cancer.

July 2001 – REG has added his name to a list of other celebrities who are boycotting the Perrior Comedy Awards due to the company’s involvement with Nestle (baby food in Africa et al)….it’s all part of the “Baby Milk Action” supported by Richard, Emma Thompson and Julie Walters to name a few!

Also, though I was unable to go to the Freedom South Africa concert, I have recently discovered that not only was Richard there (which you guys all knew right?!) but that he came out on stage too….so my mate took loads of photos of him and of Mandela for me, so when I get them, if there are any good I’ll send them along to go up on the site….fingers crossed!”

Thanks Nikki!

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