Richard E. Grant – Official Website


New Sections & Additional Buttons


Some of you may, or may not, have noticed that there were a couple of slight changes to the navigation bar at the bottom of the site, and the addition of extra buttons. One of the buttons is for the new REG Temple online store which opened for business the other day. It just makes it a bit easier for people to navigate to.

The second is for another new section that’s going up shortly, detailing the various charities and charity events that REG has participated in. I hope to have at least some of that section on the site within the next few days. Yeah, I know! The type font for the new buttons isn’t quite there yet but, so far, I haven’t been able to find the right font just yet. I’ll fix it up when I do find it :-)

There’s also a new “Auction” section awaiting in the wings as I speak. This will primarily be for people wanting to part with various REG items and collectibles that they no longer have a need for (as well as for those people wanting to add to their REG collections).

And I uploaded a few more images to the “Pictures” section the other day and I’ve received about 15 or 20 more just in the last couple of days which I’ll upload soon. As always, stay tuned!

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