Richard E. Grant – Official Website


“Monsieur N” In Sheperd’s Bush


Denise spotted an advertisement and a, rather unkind, review for “Monsieur N” in Friday’s Independent Review. The ad states: “Starts today, Curzon Mayfair 020 7495 0500 (she thinks, as print is difficult to read) Vue Shepherd’s Bush 08702 40 60 20.”

The review is written by Charlotte O’Sullivan.

Monsieur N (15)
Antoine de Caunes
(rated 2 out of 5 stars)

Antoine de Caunes obviously wants to be taken seriously, and Monsieur N, his latest effort, certainly has an austere, otherworldly beauty. In its own way though, it’s as fluffy as Eurotrash.

Richard E Grant storms around as Governor Lowe, the tight-arse sent to keep an eye on Napoleon (Philippe Torreton), down but not out on the bleak island of St Helena. Meanwhile, a sensitive young Brit – hired as a liaison officer – falls for Napoleon’s English rosy consort and (unwittingly) gets embroiled in a poisonous game.

The intrigue piles up, but the characters remain flat. This isn’t drama, it’s “clever” history aimed at the dim. The soundtrack’s great though. Drop out and tune in.

Thanks for spotting that Denise.

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