Richard E. Grant – Official Website


Gossip, Pimping And Dr Who


Anastasia recently mentioned REG’s report about “An Ideal Husband.” While we were talking about period-piece movies (and how great REG is in them), Neil mentioned Ideal Husband and REG SAID HE WAS SUPPOSED TO PLAY THE LEAD IN IT: had a signed contract, had even gone in for costume fittings. Then Rupert Everett hit it big with My Best Friend’s Wedding, and the producers DUMPED REG (bought him off, I think) because Rupert was a more commercial product. So there you go. I’ll picture REG now every time I see that poster.

Val was surfing the net and found this website where you can see all of Curse of the Fatal Death. You need the latest RealPlayer, and REG’s bit is in Part Four.

The address is:

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