Richard E. Grant – Official Website


First Night – Richard E. Grant Stars In Opera Themed Comedy


From the producer of Henry V and the director of Prime Suspect comes frothy comedy First Night.

Originally titled Cosi, Richard E. Grant plays Adam, a rich industrialist and frustrated amateur opera singer, who throws his own production of Mozart’s Cosi Fan Tutte in his stately home. Adam aspires to a more cultured world. Spurred on by playful jibes that he is little more than a city suit living the capitalist’s dream. He decides to host an opera in his lavish country retreat so that, once his friends see him belting out the notes, he feels it will surely put an end to their shallow taunts. In fact, it might even help him win the hand of a female conductor he has been pursuing whom – it just so happens – is the first to be recruited for his showpiece.

Sarah Brightman co-stars as the conductor and object of Grant’s affections.

For the rest of the cast and the production Adam brings in the experts and enlists the aid of a troupe of sexy young singer with enough collective sexual tension to light up the stage.

His choice of opera? Mozart’s Cosi Fan Tutte, the master composer’s fabled romp through the bittersweet territory of sexual infidelity.
And as this disparate group flexes their melodic and melodramatic muscles, it won’t be long before life imitates art as relationships flourish and flounder.

Cosi Fan Tutte is Mozart’s most popular opera. Although it has always been regarded as his most lyrical it has a cynical vein running through it which resonates with contemporary audiences.

The story unfolds while rehearsals take place. As in the opera so it is in the film. Mozart’s music heightens a comedic drama as a classic tale of love and betrayal plays out.

The film is directed by Christopher Menaul and will be released on the 14th October.

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