Richard E. Grant – Official Website


Birthday News


Today marks the 5th birthday of the REG Temple News. The very first news story of the day:

December 14th

Australians, look out for Karaoke, being screened on the ABC again. Mondays at 10.50pm.

Little did Dominique know that when she started the site it would soon become the official website for Richard and grow to become such a huge wealth of REG-related news, pictures, archived interviews, articles and multimedia.

My own involvement in the site, for the main part anyway, occurred some three years back when Dominique no longer could spare the time working on it. Back then I was mainly in the background, setting up the program that would “power” the news more efficiently.

At first it was planned that some of the regular contributors to the site would have direct access to the news, enabling them to post their own articles. It quickly became apparent to us that doing that was largely unworkable due to the program’ constraints and so I took on the “role” as editor-in-chief.

From there I slowly migrated to other parts of the website that needed attention and began the almost overwhelming task of restructuring the entire site from the ground up as well as adding new sections and content.

There’s still a whole heap load of stuff to come – assorted bits and pieces that I’ve had backlogged for quite a while now (some up to three years!). The great news is that I’m starting to see some light at the end of the backlogged tunnel as I steadily work my way through the piles of stuff that people have sent me over the years.

I cannot stress enough the importance of all the people who have contributed to the site over the years. There have been scores – possibly even hundreds – of people who have sent in stuff for us to use on the site. Most notable have been Nicki, Sue W, Jolie, Pat, Denise, Joan, Joann, Linda and Stargazer, but there have been countless, countless others….. Plus, of course, REG himself!

I know that I’ve forgotten many of you out there and ask that you drop me a line and say “Hey, what about me? I’ve contributed too”, so that I can add you to the roll-call of absolute Temple contributor legends! In fact it would be really nice to get a list together so that I can make a special page up just for you guys.

Once again, on behalf of Dominique, REG and myself, thanks for all the years of service and patronage.

Cameron Miller.

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